Three Things I Love (and Hate) About the Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Beta

The Best

Omnidirectional Movement

There’s no denying that the new omnidirectional movement in Black Op 6 is badass. It’s revolutionary and the beta shows it off in style. Players can now slide, dive, and sprint in all directions and it’s so enjoyable. It injects a bit more frenzy, and extra dimensionality into the overall gameplay. It’s going to require some time to master for sure. Of course while it’s a ton of fun, it requires some small tweaks. These include auto canceling to the other movements – sliding, grappling, diving etc. and ensuring that these 360 degree movements are consistently smooth. Currently there are times they feel a bit clunky, especially when compared to the fluidity of Modern Warfare III. But damn, if it isn’t fun to dive sideways and kill an enemy! I’m looking forward to seeing this in the full game next month.

Kill Order Mode

If you’re anything like me you’ve been waiting for Team Defender to make a reappearance since Modern Warfare 3 (2011). Okay, well maybe that statement is a bit misleading. Team Defender is not making a comeback in Black Ops 6 but there is a new game mode that seems very promising. It’s called Kill Order. The rules are simple: protect your HVT and kill the enemy HVT. While this designation rotates at random, it’s similar to the premise of Team Defender. In fact, it’s like TDM meets Team Defender, where more points are given when you kill the HVT. Kill Order is fun, requires more strategy than just running and gunning, or camping, and introduces a bit of freshness into COD. I truly hope there’s more great ideas and game modes like this coming our way October 25th.

Revamped Perk System/Customization

Customization, especially create-a-class is a huge part of any Call of Duty game. Black Ops 6 absolutely nails it. Gone are the boots and gloves of Modern Warfare III, and back is the classic pick 10 system. Well, back with a couple adjustments. There’s a whole slot for a melee weapon, meaning you can still have two weapons, plus a knife. This ensures you don’t have to skip that secondary weapon if you like equipping a melee weapon. Another adjustment to keep this customization feeling fresh, yet familiar, is the return of the standard pick-3 perk system and wildcards. Add the combat specialty for an additional bonus, assisting with all playstyles. This occurs when you have 3 of the same color perks. These combat specialties are support, recon and enforcer. It’s a nice balance between those players who play weapon heavy or perk forward. It’s going to be great to see how this revamped perk system and customization will affect player strategy!

Did you get a chance to play the Black Ops 6 beta this weekend? What are your thoughts on it? Let us know in the comments below or chat with us on Facebook or X!