The drama surrounding Hideo Kojima, Konami, and Metal Gear Solid 5 — a saga that has been in the works for many years — is finally on the downswing. References to Kojima are being scrubbed from his final work at Konami, and presumably he is ‘on the market’. Where he’ll end up is anyone’s guess, but they’d better have deep pockets to fund the expensive epics Kojima is known for. I know where I want him to end up. Nintendo.
Certainly, there are differences in approach between Nintendo and Kojima. One produces sheer gaming joy while the other generates cinematic mindf**ks, but the fusion of those two entities could be absolutely game changing (hell yes, pun intended). How you ask? Take a series that has always been dark and moody with a largely unexplored universe that has recently lost its way. You know where I’m going with this readers. Metroid. Before you start claiming blasphemy, let me explain why this would be hella awesome.
Metroid games approach story with a heavy fog applied – information is doled out in minute quantities, and is often optional. Kojima games apply this fog by weaving a tangled web of intrigue, leaving the player hanging on for dear life while the wackiest shit ever devised happens. Metroid is absolutely begging for a storyteller like Kojima to take the helm and flesh out the universe that has been perpetually under a shroud. Nintendo would likely have to rein in some of the more *ahem* creative ideas for storytelling, but nevertheless the thought of a dramatic and story driven Metroid experience is drool inducing.
Mechanically, Metroid has lost its way. The Prime games have thoroughly dried up the first person well, while Other M was a lackluster 2D experience. Kojima is unafraid to break new ground, or push the envelope when it comes to gameplay. The Metal Gear Solid series proves that point – using sound to distract enemies in MGS1, survival mechanics in MGS3, battlefield allies in MGS4 – each of these systems were entirely unique at the time, and I’d bet that Kojima would have a few ideas on modernizing Metroid.
Let’s be honest. Nintendo is reeling from the abject failure of the Wii U, and needs an infusion of new ideas if they have any hope of conquering the industry once more. Landing Kojima would be like pulling a golden blue whale out of a meandering stream, and the entire industry would have no choice but to notice. Gamers everywhere would no choice but to be intrigued. Is it going to happen? I optimistically place the odds at 100-1. But… What if?