Fallout 4 is Rumour No More… Excited Yet?


HIGHLY ANTICIPATED… two words that are thrown around in the games journalism business with more abandon than dollar bills at a strip club. Often an exaggeration for effect this is one of the times where it’s about as true as it can be. Fallout 4 is hands down one of the most anticipated games of all time. While the first two games in the series, developed by Interplay, proved to be quite popular it was the third in the series that took fans by surprise and forever cemented Fallout as one of the best of the best. Fallout 3 saw Bethesda take over development duties and turn the isometric, turn-based gameplay into an open world first/third person adventure through the war torn wastelands of Washington, D.C. and the US East coast. As much as I hate to admit it there are very few games I’ve actually beat but with Fallout 3 I beat the game and then some, completing every single piece of accompanying DLC as well. Admittedly, less time was put into New Vegas as it didn’t quite draw me in but to say that I didn’t put in my fair share of hours there too would be a lie.

Over the past few months, hell the past few years for some of the good ones, there have been rumours in abundance over the next installment in the Fallout franchise. Well, not like it’s a surprise, the rumour is no more and the 100% official announcement has been made with the unveiling of the trailer for Fallout 4. Cue Ron Perlman’s gravelly voice work… WAR, war never changes…

Little is shown in the trailer to give many details but the generation gap makes itself more than visible as we see Fallout debut on the current generation of consoles. Confirmed to be in development for the PS4, Xbox One and PC we’ll see the world premiere of the game during Bethesda’s E3 Showcase being held at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, California on June 14th beginning at 7pm PST.

This eagerly-awaited game is the follow up to the 2008 ‘Game of the Year’, Fallout 3, and the first title from the world-renowned Bethesda Games Studios since the release of their global phenomenon and 2011 ‘Game of the Year’, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim which still enjoys a massive following up to this very day.


WAR… war never changes.

“We know what this game means to everyone,” said Game Director, Todd Howard, “The time and technology have allowed us to be more ambitious than ever. We’ve never been more excited about a game, and we can’t wait to share it.” In what might be the understatement of they year it is no question that this game means a lot to a lot of people. While we can’t wait to see what’s in store for us at E3 it sure is exciting to be able to see the first snippets of what is sure to be one of the biggest games of all time.