COG’s Top 5 Games for the Month of November, 2012

Top 5 COG Reviews for the Month of November, 2012

5.) New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U) Review

Score: 88

All in all I did not find a whole lot of fault in the newest entry to the world of Mario. It is classic 2D Mario done right. I think they played it safe for the most part but it is hard to argue with tried and true success. Considering the side scrolling 2D platformer has been around for the better part of 30 years I will forgive the design team for not really providing me with a ‘Hey that’s entirely new and amazing!’ moment. In the end it’s a great game with some new challenges and it is a bright light for what we have in store as Nintendo’s newest console begins its life cycle.

4.) Far Cry 3 (Xbox 360) Review

Score: 90

Far Cry 3 has effectively managed to bring a level of unparalleled insanity to a franchise that listens to its fans and manages to effectively redefine itself with each outing.  Far Cry 3′s deep open world experience filled with its cast of unforgettably insane characters, entertaining storyline, vibrant visuals and varied gameplay makes it one of the best open world games to touch down in 2012.  While the multiplayer aspects of the game are not quite as memorable and have fallen a bit behind other triple A shooters already on the market, as an entire package Far Cry is an impressive feat and one that should be under a lot of trees this holiday season.

3.) The Walking Dead: Episode – No Time Left (XBLA) Review

Score: 91

Much like fantastic graphic novels, The Walking Dead: Episode 5 – No Time Left is not something you can not easily put down.  It is an investment and one that will take an emotional toll on you.  You will never forget it and it is an experience I recommend to all.  The way the developers managed to link decisions I made back in Episode 1 with the final Episode is quite remarkable and is the ‘icing on the cake’ to an experience that I really hope everyone gets a chance to experience.  It is by no means a flawless game, or series, but is a memorable one and one that raises the bar when it comes to storytelling in a video game franchise.

2.) Halo 4 (Xbox 360) Review

Score: 93

Halo 4 is a game that has been a long time coming, and with a new developer in control many were worried.  I can honestly say that these worries should be tossed aside.  This latest entry into the world of the Halo universe offers up solid visuals, great sound, and some very addictive gameplay, both offline and online.  The narrative that is put forth is simply amazing as it provides a new beginning with the Reclaimer Saga and the addition of the new Spartan Ops mode is simply brilliant as it adds even more story to an already great tale.  Sure, some may complain the familiarity of the gameplay is a bad thing, but in the end, even though you do get a recognizable feeling when playing, the overall experience that Halo 4 provides is very enjoyable and one that you should not miss.  Welcome back Master Chief, the wait has been far too long.

1.) Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (Xbox 360) Review

Score: 94

There is no doubt many will turn their nose at yet another Call of Duty game running on the same engine at 60 frames per second.  The “ain’t broke don’t fix” path has certainly been taken again.  This being said, Treyarch has undeniably been able to up the ante in nearly every facet of the Call of Duty experience with Black Ops 2.  The riveting single player storyline features the wonderfully designed strategic Strike Force Missions; the online Multiplayer experience is much more robust than ever before and the Zombies mode has also received significant upgrades.  It is quite amazing how the development team managed to fit this much content onto one disk.  Needless to say, shooter fans can purchase Black Ops 2 with confidence.