20 Games That Absolutely Need to Be in the SNES Classic Edition

Super Metroid

It took eight years for Metroid to get the console sequel that fans wanted, but the wait was worth it since Samus Aranโ€™s third quest was a masterpiece. Super Metroid takes all of the elements that made the original special, and adds a massive layer of polish on top of it. Every part of the 1994 release is memorable from the layout of Zebes to the fantastic soundtrack. Itโ€™s still one of the best examples of the genre, and shows that great design stands the test of time.

SNES Classic Edition Feature

Super Punch-Out!!

Despite being a stellar sequel, Super Punch-Out!! never received the attention that its predecessor starring Mike Tyson did. Itโ€™s unfortunate as the sequel featured new boxers to face off against (Super Macho Man!), and a great Time Attack mode. The bright side is that the SNES Classic presents a second chance for underappreciated games, and hopefully a new generation can gain an appreciation of the 1994.

SNES Classic Edition Feature

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

No collection of SNES games would be complete without A Link to the Past. This legendary title was Linkโ€™s only adventure on the Super Nintendo, but thatโ€™s fine, as itโ€™s the peak of 2D Zelda. From the brilliant Light and Dark Worlds to using the magic system from The Adventure of Link, it took the top-down Zelda games to a new high and solidified the franchise as one of the most important in gaming history.

SNES Classic Edition Feature

Yoshiโ€™s Island

The follow-up to Super Mario World was quite the different game, as Marioโ€™s dinosaur friend Yoshi took the spotlight. This charming prequel had players shooting eggs, and rescuing a very annoying crying Baby Mario. It was really unlike any other platformer at the time, and while sequels have been made, no other game has truly captured the magic of the original.

SNES Classic Edition Feature