10 PS Vita JRPGs You Need to Play

*** EDITORโ€™S NOTE *** This list is in NO PARTICULAR ORDER!

While the PlayStation Vitaโ€™s best days may be behind the system, Sonyโ€™s powerful handheld still managed to build a pretty impressive library of games. If one genre in particular truly shined, it was Japanese role-playing games. In fact, the PlayStation Vita has seen dozens of JRPGs release on the system.

For those just now picking up a PlayStation Vita (or PlayStation TV), it can be a bit overwhelming looking at the list of games. To help both new and old owners out, weโ€™ve compiled a list of 10 Vita JRPGs that you need to play.

Persona 4 Golden

The fourth entry in Atlusโ€™ critically acclaimed Persona series is not only one of the best RPGs ever made, but one of the best games ever released. Persona 4 Golden, which is an enhanced port exclusively for PlayStation Vita, managed to make an already incredible game even better. If you own a Vita then you owe it to yourself to play this masterpiece.

Persona 4 Golden Vita


Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster

These are technically two different games, but since they are sold in the same package, weโ€™re willing to bend the rules a bit. Square Enixโ€™s last turn-based Final Fantasy game has aged pretty gracefully, and works perfectly for on-the-go play. After youโ€™ve experienced Final Fantasy Xโ€™s epic story, you can then relax with the playful ridiculousness of X-2.

FFX X2 Vita


Ys: Memories of Celceta

The long-running Ys series has had an interesting history, and the seriesโ€™ PlayStation Vita debut is fantastic. The action-RPG features fast-paced combat that is easy to learn, but has enough depth to keep you entertained throughout. While playing the previous games in the series isnโ€™t completely necessary, it does take place a year after the events of Ys II.

Ys Memories of Celceta


Atelier Rorona Plus: The Alchemist of Arland

The Atelier series has made waves on PlayStation Vita with most of the seriesโ€™ PlayStation 3 games getting enhanced ports. Atelier Rorona Plus: The Alchemist of Arland is a good starting point, as itโ€™s the first game in the Arland trilogy. The turn-based RPG has an interesting alchemy system, and its story is continued in both Atelier Totori Plus: The Adventurer of Arland and Atelier Meruru Plus: The Apprentice of Arland.

Atelier Rorona


Lost Dimension

Lancarseโ€™s tactical role-playing game isnโ€™t a great game, but it is a pretty dang good one. The combat is interesting, and so is the gameโ€™s near future setting. While the story might be lackluster, there is a lot of heart put into the world and characters. A free demo is available on PSN, so you can try out Lost Dimension before you purchase it.

Lost Dimension Vita

Click on thru to page 2 for the next five must play PS Vita JRPGs!