Jaz Sagoo

Search Results For: Jaz Sagoo

Crime O’Clock Review – Time For a Change

Crime O’Clock takes the picture puzzle format into the interactive sector as you aim to solve cases through methodical tracking of criminal activity. Will this detective tale manage to capture the spirit of yesteryear or will it be a corrupt attempt at modernizing a classic?

Mortal Kombat 1 – Online Stress Test Impressions

The buzz around fighting games is at an all-time high. Street Fighter 6 smashed it out of the park, Tekken 8 looks to take the franchise to another level and NetherRealm’s reboot of Mortal Kombat breathes new life into the series. With the latter gearing up for its September release date, an Online Stress Test took place and here are my initial impressions.

C-Smash VRS Review – A Cosmic Contest

Due to the stellar work of Capcom and other pioneers, more developers are offering new ways to play classics. Even though the arcade/Dreamcast title, Cosmic Smash, is relatively unknown outside of Japan, RapidEyeMovers and Wolf & Wood aim to adapt the futuristic sports game for the virtual realm. Will C-Smash VRS serve up a perfect shot or will it be an unfortunate mishit?