Is bingo becoming trendy?

A few years ago, bingo was associated with huge boring halls that were packed with seniors and middle-aged women in the afternoon. Nothing eventful happened except callers reading out numbers and occasional yells of bingo. Nowadays, that has changed as more young people aged above 18 years frequent bingo halls. In this smart bingo guide, we take a look at why bingo is becoming trendy.

Online bingo

Like most casino games, bingo has become a staple in most online casinos. The convenience and ease of access that comes with playing online bingo are reasons why young people love the game. As a fan of the game, you don’t have to travel to one of the bingo halls in town and line up to buy your tickets.

A simple click in any online casino introduces players to a list of bingo games. In addition, online bingo comes with various variations of the game. Apart from 75-ball, 30-ball, and 80-ball bingo, some bingo sites offer exclusive jackpot variants.

In addition, unlike traditional bingo halls that offer games at specific times of the day, online bingo has regular bingo halls open throughout the day.

The social aspect of bingo

Frankly, modern life has become lonely. People are constantly on busy work and school schedules. For millennials who are not into wild parties, the list can be narrowed on activities to do over the weekend. As such, bingo has become a great alternative to hanging out with friends on a low-key event that is inexpensive.

Bingo halls have become socializing joints where regulars become more than bingo buddies. Moreover, developers have incorporated the social aspect of bingo in online casinos. This is through chat rooms where different players get together and have fun conversations online.

Apart from chatrooms, modern sites have tabs dubbed community. Here players share their photos and images. On these sites it’s not all about gaming, there is some kind of community spirit.

The new face of traditional bingo

It’s obvious that bingo has undergone some transformation to attract the young generation. The vast halls where nothing happened have now become vibrant and lively. Bingo that your Nana doesn’t know is what hosts love to call this kind of bingo.

In today’s bingo, hosts now include live music, food, and drinks. The callers are no longer seniors but sassy to ensure the fun goes up an extra notch. In addition, the kind of food offered is fast food such as burgers and hot dogs loved by most millennials.

Bingo halls have somehow transformed into great shows that bring more than winnings to participants. They are now fun joints to make friends, have a good time, and play some good old bingo.

The charity aspect of bingo

The spirit of giving out to the needy or charitable organizations is ingrained in most millennials. Unlike most gambling games, bingo has long been associated with charity events. It’s not a surprise to find churches hosting bingo on their premises to raise funds.

For this reason, playing bingo has gained popularity among young people. Young people aged 18 years and above often buy tickets to play bingo and raise funds. Online casinos have also not been excluded from this. It is also common to find bingo sites offering to fund worthy causes from the proceeds of bingo.

Virtual bingo

With more people seeking to do everything online, virtual bingo has become the much-needed replacement for traditional bingo. It’s not uncommon to find young people hosting a bingo game over video conferencing services such as Zoom and Facebook Live Chat.

In addition, there are online platforms to help players host bingo online by providing virtual cards and callers. These platforms also provide printed cards and can allow hosts to have 1000+ players online.

Virtual bingo can be accessed through several devices including portables and desktops. This allows player to play bingo in the comfort of any place.

Social media push

In an age of trends and hashtags on social media, bingo has had its share of fame on these platforms. There have been various bingo trends that gained momentum for a while, therefore, hyping the game. This is also a contributing factor to why bingo is trending among the young. A good example is the ‘have you ever bingo challenge’.


Various factors have lured young demographics to bingo. With more hosts being keen on what young people love, bingo is a game that will continue to tick as a favourite for most young people. The game still offers the same gameplay but in a more diverse way. Clearly, bingo will continue trending for a while.