The Witcher III Hits Peak Player Count Thanks to Show

Pretty Good For a 2015 Release

The Witcher Netflix series has been a huge hit, at least in terms of audience reaction. Everyone’s watching it, loving it, the whole nine yards. In fact, thanks to the success of the show, The Witcher III: The Wild Hunt is more popular than ever before. More popular than when the game launched, even!

witcher 3 peak player count

Information from Steam Database revealed a new all-time peak player count for The Witcher III of 94,651. This is in comparison to the launch in 2015, which peaked at 90,000 players. It turns out the show really makes people want to dive into the game, either once more or for the very first time. Who knew?

Now, word on the wire is that Netflix would rather we draw comparisons between the show and the novels. This is all fine and good, bu no one has read the books. At least, no one besides Henry Cavill. On top of that, Steam has the Witcher III on sale for 12 whole dollars at the moment. Between that and the show’s massive popularity, it’s easy to see why so dang many people are currently playing the game. Heck, I’m itching to play the game again, and I’ve got nowhere near the free time required.