Cuisineer Goes Back to the Basics In New Trailer

Cooking and Fighting 101

Getting recipes takes work. In fact, an adventure’s worth is an understatement. Yet, adventure is the spice of life, so why not get out there and take life by the reigns. Today, Marvelous Europe and XSEED Games are inviting players to step further into the world of their roguelite adventure, Cuisineer, in a new trailer. Introducing players to the fantasy world of the game the new trailer, titled “Cuisineer 101”, brings players the basics of the game while showing off the art style and gameplay loop. Interestingly, the new trailer arrives just in time as the game has recently joined the Steam Winter Sale and is 20% off. 


Cuisineer introduces players to protagonist Pom. Upon returning to her hometown, Pom learns that her parents restaurant is closing and they are amassing enormous debt. Yet, not all hope is lost. In order to save the restaurant, players will adventure across a fantasy world gathering ingredients, fighting monsters, and discovering new recipes. All of this in an effort to produce business for the restaurant. 

Of course, the game allows players to adventure throughout a world full of fantastic food-based creatures. Equipping herself with mighty kitchen utensils, Pom will journey through dungeons and overworld. Each dungeon is randomly generated with differing enemies, resources, and more. Importantly, new players can start getting a handle on the basics of the game in the new trailer. Check it out below. 

Cuisineer is out now on PC via Steam. Currently, the game is 20% off as a part of the Steam Winter Sale.