Empty Shell Bringing Roguelite Horror to Steam in October

Top-Down Horror Awaits

The spooky season is here. It couldn’t be a more perfect time to enter an industrial nightmare on a secluded Japanese island. Just be warned, you may not be alone, so keep your head up and weapon ready. Today, developer CC Arts and publisher Hyperstrange are happy to announce the release date for their upcoming top-down horror game, Empty Shell. Releasing on October 16th, the game places players in a horrific experience, in the darkness of a secret facility harboring secrets. Of course, a press release delves into the dark details of the game. Additionally, a release date trailer gives players a look at the horrific mission that awaits them. 

Empty Shell

Empty Shell places players in the boots of special volunteers. Of course, these volunteers have signed up for a strange recovery mission. Interestingly, players are being sent to a top-secret facility on a Japanese island. Here, they will discover randomly generating levels full of danger and dark secrets. The game invites players to a top-down horror experience where they will fight for survival in the darkness of the facility. Importantly, players will face different enemy types that will hunt them in the darkness. Players will need to carefully navigate the darkness, using their flashlights to see in a top-down view. Additionally, players will scavenge weapons, ammo, and more, to increase their chances of survival. 

Of course, players can get a better look at Empty Shell in the release date trailer. Check out the trailer below. 

Empty Shell is releasing for PC via Steam on October 16th.