List of Afflictions and Cures – Starfield

In the sprawling universe of Starfield, you may encounter various afflictions resulting from environmental hazards or hostile encounters that inflict affliction damage. These afflictions can have adverse effects on your character, such as increased oxygen consumption. It’s imperative to address afflictions promptly, as untreated afflictions can escalate into more severe symptoms with even greater negative consequences.

Checking Affiliations

When you acquire a new affliction, a brief notification will appear on your screen indicating that you’ve been afflicted. You can also manually check your afflictions in the Character Menu:

  • Xbox: Press the Menu-Button > Y > select “Status Effects.”
  • PC: Press Tab > B > choose “Status Effects.”

Once you’ve identified your afflictions, you can seek out the appropriate medication for treatment.

Curing Afflictions

To alleviate afflictions, access your Inventory and navigate to the “Aid” category. Browse through your food and health items, as some will have descriptions indicating their effectiveness in curing specific afflictions. You can often discover such items as loot from defeated foes or within containers on shelves.

If you don’t possess a suitable item, consider checking with merchants and sales kiosks in major cities. These kiosks are accessible at every significant city’s landing pad. An early game vendor can be found in System: Alpha Centauri > Planet: Jemison > Landing Site: New Atlantis. From the landing pad, proceed straight ahead until you reach an open area with a train station, then turn left and enter “Jemison Mercantile.” Engage in conversation with the merchant inside to explore your options.

Alternatively, you can craft healing items at Pharmaceutical Labs. You’ll encounter one such lab in the basement of “The Lodge” (The Constellation base of operations on Alpha Centauri > Jemison). Upon entering The Lodge, descend the stairs on the right to find crafting machines of various types. The required materials for crafting pharmaceuticals can also be obtained from merchants under the “Resources” category.

Here’s a concise overview of Affliction Curing Medications:

  1. Antibiotic Paste = Treats Burns, Frostbite, Infections
  2. Antibiotics = Treats Infections
  3. Bandages = Treats Contusions, Lacerations, Puncture Wounds
  4. Boosted Injector = Treats Brain Injury, Concussion, Heatstroke, Hernia, Hypothermia, Lung Damage, Poisoning, Radiation Poisoning
  5. Heal Gel = Treats Burns and Frostbite
  6. Heal Paste = Treats Burns and Frostbite
  7. Immobilizer = Treats Dislocated Limb, Fractured Limb, Fractured Skull, Sprain, and Torn Muscle
  8. Injector = Treats Brain Injury, Concussion, Heatstroke, Hernia, Hypothermia, Lung Damage, Poisoning, Radiation Poisoning
  9. Junk Flush = Cures all Addictions
  10. Penicillin X = Treats Infections
  11. Snake Oil = Treats Brain Injury, Concussion, Heatstroke, Hernia, Hypothermia, Lung Damage, Poisoning, Radiation Poisoning

By following these guidelines and proactively addressing afflictions, you’ll ensure that your journey through the cosmos remains as smooth as possible in Starfield.

For more helpful advice, check out ‘How to Join a Starfield Crimson Fleet Faction.”