How to unlock new Companions – Starfield

Unlock the full potential of your spaceship and outposts in Starfield by recruiting skilled crew members. Not only does this enhance your ship’s systems, but it can also bolster your defenses at outposts. Additionally, recruiting a total of 10 crewmates will earn you the coveted “The Family You Choose” Achievement.

What Roles Do Crew Members Play?

Each crew member possesses unique skills that can significantly benefit your endeavors. When assigned to your spaceship, they provide passive bonuses to specific ship systems, making these enhancements particularly valuable during intense spaceship battles. Moreover, crew members can be stationed at outposts to bolster their defense capabilities.

Companions You’ll Meet In the Story

Throughout your journey, you’ll meet seven companions during main story quests. These companions join your crew automatically and include Andreja, Barrett, Heller, Lin, Sam Coe, Sarah Morgan, and Vasco.

Use Credits To Hire New Recruits 

You have the opportunity to recruit additional crew members by visiting bars, diners, and pubs in bustling cities. An accessible starting point for recruitment is at System: Alpha Centauri > Planet: Jemison > Landing Site: New Atlantis. From the landing pad, head straight until you reach an open area with a train station. Then, turn left and enter “The Viewport” shop, where you can engage with potential recruits.

While the cost of hiring new crew members may initially seem steep, ranging from 6,500 to 18,000 credits per person, it’s important to note that you’ll accrue substantial credits automatically through main story progression and the completion of the four Faction Questlines. If you find yourself short on credits, consider selling loot to merchants and taking a 48-hour rest in either your ship or lodge to refresh merchant inventories and continue selling items.

After successfully recruiting a crew member, you’ll be prompted to assign them to a specific location. To accommodate more crew members on your ship, you may need to modify your existing ship or invest in a new one, as each ship has a crew limit.

With a well-rounded crew at your side, you’ll be better prepared to tackle the challenges and adventures that await you in the vast expanse of Starfield.

Discover how to romance people in Starfield by checking out the following guides: