Lil Guardsman Explores The Kingdom With Developer Video

A Lil Kingdom 

A kingdom is more than the land it sits on. In fact, a kingdom is more importantly the people that make up the populace. Luckily for players, this kingdom has a myriad of whimsical characters to learn about and meet. Today, Indie Game Developer Hilltop Studios, in collaboration with Versus Evil, is excited to introduce some of the delightful characters of their point-and-click adventure, Lil Guardsman, in a new Developer Diary. The developer diary, titled “A Kingdom Worth Protecting”, lets players see some of the characters that they will find in the game’s kingdom. A press release delves into some of the details players can expect to discover in the game. Obviously, players can check out the developer diary for a glimpse of the game. 

Lil Guardsman

Lil Guardsman invites players to a point-and-click deduction narrative. Introducing players to the protagonist, Lil, players will follow her story as she attempts to fulfill her father’s duties as a guardsman for a day. Importantly, players will be in charge of the city gates. Of course, this means they will need to interrogate a wide and eccentric cast of characters that are attempting to enter the city. Of course, players will need to use deduction and discretion to decide who they let in. Deducing the true intentions of the people seeking entry to the city is essential. The consequences can be severe. Mistakes can result in destruction or worse. 

Of course, players can get a look at the characters of Lil Guardsman in the new developer diary. Take a look at characters like Buttface and Magnus the Magnificent (who totally isn’t two goblins in a robe) in the video below.

Lil Guardsman is releasing later this year on PC, Switch, PlayStation, and Xbox Series consoles.