Mario + Rabbids Finally Brings Rayman Into the Series

Mario v Rayman: Dawn of Rabbids

Ubisoft’s Rabbids have become kind of a mascot, a lot like the Minions for Universal Pictures. Also like the Minions, Rabbids have been outshining the franchise they originated from. There hasn’t been a main-series Rayman game in 10 years. However, Rayman will be appearing in Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope.

Earlier today, Ubisoft revealed the third DLC expansion for Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope. Instead of adding another adventure to the Mushroom Kingdom, the Rabbids are on a quest of their own. Rabbid Mario, Rabbid Peach, and Beep-0 find themselves on the set of The Phantom Show.

Mario + Rabbids

Rayman in The Phantom Show will see Rayman reunite with Rabbids, but in turn-based tactical gameplay. The set of Space Opera Network has many different locations, such as a pirate set, a Western set, and a medieval set. The show will be hosted by Phantom, who was a boss in Kingdom Battle.

Each themed set will be its own area or world, similar to how the base game is broken up. Details other than that are limited, but Rayman fans are already clamoring for a new game. Perhaps the gameplay style of this series could inspire a new Rayman game. Fans can hope.

Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope is available exclusively for Nintendo Switch. Rayman in the Phantom Show will be available on August 30th.

Are you happy to see Rayman return? Let us know in the comments below.