Final Fantasy XI Return Home to Vana’Diel Campaign Is Back

Relive the Nostalgia in Final Fantasy XI

Square Enix just announced Return Home to Vana’diel Campaign for Final Fantasy XI. However, it will be available only for the old FFXI players.

The Japanese video game company is celebrating the 21st anniversary of this MMORPG with a touch of nostalgia. Explore the world of Vana’diel again, filled with fresh new content introduced over the course of twenty-one years of development. Additionally, you can discover numerous system enhancements designed to complement your preferred playstyle.

Final Fantasy XI

During this period, there will be an ongoing Discount Campaign for Ultimate Collection Seekers Edition priced at $9.99. It marks a significant reduction from its original price of $29.99.

The Seekers of Adoulin expansion will also be available for $4.99, down from the regular price of $9.99.  And World transfers will carry a reduced fee of $9, as compared to the standard rate of $18.

As usual, there are some restrictions that come along with the offers. To join the free play FFXI Return Home to Vana’diel Campaign, your character must be marked as “canceled” by August 15, 2023. Your PlayOnline account should also become a Square Enix account. If you used to play on a console, you need the Windows client. Moreover, you can’t play expansions if you don’t have them in your collection.

The following events will be open during this period- August 2023 Login Campaign, Dog Days of Summer Campaign, Green Festival, and Sunbreeze Festival. So, what are you waiting for? Go and embrace your destiny in the realm of magic and adventures. Prepare to witness the power of friendship and fantasy again in this amazing MMORPG.

Make sure you check out all the relevant details by visiting our source.