Running Death Rampant
Running a corporation isn’t easy. Ensuring that every single soul of the dead is processed is even harder. No wonder Death is getting a little burnt out. Today, Gearbox Publishing and Magic Design Studios released a new trailer for their upcoming dark roguelike, Have a Nice Death. The new trailer, “Tools of The Trade”, shows off some of the many weapons at Death’s disposal in the game. Of course, the trailer also gives players a look at some of the action-packed hack-and-slash combat that awaits them.
Have a Nice Death sets players in the robes of Death himself. In this world, Death is running a massive corporation, Death Incorporated. Of course, Death couldn’t do it alone. So he recruited the Sorrows. But now they are going wild and not listening to corporate policy. Death now must stop them and regain control.
Have a Nice Death is a roguelike featuring a variety of weapons, upgrades, and more. Players will travel through the various levels of Death Incorporated, defeating Death’s unruly subordinates. As he does, he will meet a whole cast of interesting characters. For instance, his pumpkin-headed assistant: Pump Quinn. Of course, he will also be armed. From his trusty Scythes to cloak powers, and even spells, he has a lot to hack-and-slash his enemies. The new trailer gives players a complete look at what kind of gear is awaiting Death. Check it out below.
Have a Nice Death is launching on Nintendo Switch and PC on March 22nd.