Anvil Launch Dares Shooter Fans to Explore Alien Ruins and Fight Monsters

Itโ€™s Like Indiana Jones in Space

Fans of shooters are in for a treat today because of the launch of Anvil. In this top-down action-shooter, players take on the role of robotic Vault Breakers and dig up the hidden treasures of alien ruins known as Vaults. In other words, theyโ€™re setting out to ransack dead civilizations for valuables.

Similar to the set-up of Borderlands, Anvilโ€™s Vaults are scattered across galaxies and contain lost wonders and powerful artifacts. Theyโ€™re also full of dangerous alien lifeforms that can only be described as monsters. Fortunately, the launch of Anvil puts players in a position to do something about these foes.

In Anvil, youโ€™ll step into the shoes of Vault Breakers, combat professionals who have turned their bodies into weapons. Because of this, they come equipped with a wide variety of abilities and skills.

Even the most powerful Vault Breakers may find themselves in danger. However, the Vault Breakersโ€™ bodies are mechanical. As a result, death is only a brief stumbling block in Anvil. Dying just means that itโ€™s time to rebuild your character. In fact, you may become even stronger after death because Vault Breakers keep EXP earned when they die.

The more EXP a player gathers, the more powerful their Vault Breaker will become. As a result, gameplay focuses on first building your character up, then scavenging for materials, dying, and finally starting over again.

Key features include:

  • Explore multiple galaxies with random planets and unique bosses. 
  • Open vaults and defeat bosses to utilize the upgrade powers found within.
  • Utilize over 100 randomly generated artifacts and dozens of weapons that will make every session unique and different. 
  • Explore a combination of different playstyles by testing synergy between various artifacts and obtain powerful weapons to become the ultimate Breaker.
  • Gain EXP during battle to enhance your Breakerโ€™s strength and give them new powers. 
  • Never fear death, rebuild your Breaker to be even stronger after a defeat.

anvil key art feature

Anvil is now available in Early Acces on Steam and Xbox Game Preview.

Are you ready to break open the Vaults? Let us know down in the comments, or hit us up on Twitter or Facebook.

Source: Press Release