Total War: Warhammer III Is Coming to PC Next Year

Total War Incoming Next Year

Total War: Warhammer III is coming to PC next year on February 17 and will be a day one release on GamePass. The epic strategy game is once again looking to expand in scope and size, and Iโ€™m interested in trying it out on GamePass.

Iโ€™ll admit that I donโ€™t have any experience in the Total War series. The closest Iโ€™ve ever gotten to these types of games is Civilization, and letโ€™s be honest here, that doesnโ€™t really count. Still, commanding thousands of fantasy troops and monsters does sound like a good time to me, even if it does mean going through a bit of a learning curve.

Alongside the base game, the Ogre Kingdoms Race Pack has also been revealed as the early-adopter bonus for the forthcoming title. Any player who orders Total War: Warhammer III in advance, or buys it during the first week on sale, will gain access to this additional content for free. If you get the game through GamePass, you will have to buy this pack separately.

The race pack adds two more lords, Greasus Goldtooth & Skrag the Slaughterer, allowing the player to lead an army of colossal warriors and primeval monsters, and I want to lead primeval monsters into battle.

In battle, these brutes excel at bombarding the enemy with long-range firepower before cascading upon their broken ranks with a devastating charge from their monstrous cavalry. Within the campaign, they wage bloody war from their nomadic camps deep within the Mountains of Mourn, ever keen to take on bountiful contracts and add illustrious Big Names to their titles.

As a GamePass title, this is a game I will definitely try out. Since I have little experience with the genre, I would be wary of paying full price for an experience Iโ€™m not sure I would enjoy or not, but Iโ€™ll try anything if it is on GamePass.

Source: Press Release