Elder Scrolls Online Deadlands Ends Gates of Oblivion Storyline

Return of the Gates

Elder Scrolls Online is bringing the year-long Gates of Oblivion storyline to a close with the latest expansion Deadlands. The expansion is out now on PC and will release on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and the Xbox Series X on November 16.

Deadlands will have players explore uncharted lands, meet strange new allies, and foil Dagonโ€™s plans to rule Nirn in this action-packed 20-hour finale. The DLC delivers new missions that are unlocked by completing storylines in both the Deadlands DLC and Blackwood Chapter. Those who have played the fantastic Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion will probably recognize some of these areas and are certainly familiar with the Gates of Oblivion.

While some of it may be familiar, Deadlands also introduces plenty of new areas in The Burn, The Sever, and the desert metropolis known as Fargrave. From molten rivers to vicious storms to a bustling city of trade, these new areas expand The Elder Scrolls lore.

Additionally, Deadlands introduces the new Armory system, allowing players to quickly swap custom character builds from their Homestead. Players can acquire the free Armory Station furnishing item from the Crown Store and place it in any of their homes to be able to save, load, or customize their charactersโ€™ unique builds.

The Deadlands game pack is available for purchase through the in-game Crown Store and is included at no charge for ESO Plus subscribers. 

Iโ€™m glad to see ESO just keep trucking along. I donโ€™t love most MMOs, but I did enjoy what I played of ESO once they fixed it up shortly after launch. I am a huge Elder Scrolls fan, though, which certainly helped me enjoy the game more. It is fun to explore the world and lore of one of my favorite game series in a new way. I can at least confidently say it is better than Fallout 76.

Source: Press Release