Apex Rathalos Will Swoop Onto Monster Hunter Rise This April

One of the Most Recognizable Monsters in the Series Just Got Meaner

The Monster Hunter games are full of creative and dangerous creatures to hunt, tame, or take awesome screenshots of, but the Rathalos stands out from the crowd. This big, spiky wyvern thing is a flying nightmare: a hyper-aggressive beast that hunts from the sky, raining down fire and striking fear into the hearts of players everywhere. Needless to say, people tend to view them with a healthy amount of fear. The Apex Rathalos is even worse. After being infected byโ€“and overcomingโ€“the frenzy virus, this monster entered an Apex State, making it even more powerful, durable, and above all else, ruthless. Itโ€™s going to be quite the challenge to slay this dragon.

Monster Hunter Rise has announced that the Apex Rathalos will be arriving as part of Title Update One, alongside the deceptive Chameleos and several other new monsters. These new threats will add some much-needed new challenges to Riseโ€™s monster lineup, which is just what the doctor ordered. Weโ€™re looking forward to seeing these fearsome beasts in action. And trying to kill them so we can harvest their body parts for cool gear, of course. That goes without saying.

Title Update One will be released at the end of April, which gives us about a month to practice our Rathalos-hunting skills and make sure we have the right gear to stalk a Chameleos. Happy hunting!

Monster Hunter Rise is now available on Nintendo Switch.

What new monster are you coping to see added to Monster Hunter Rise next? Let us know down in the comments, or hit us up on Twitter or Facebook.