Last of Us 2 Still Manages to Break Sales Record Despite Controversy

Some Things Are Just Too Powerful to Stop

The Last of Us 2 launched only a few days ago and it has already managed to break sales records on the PS4. The sequel to the blockbuster title that was the original Last of Us became Sonyโ€™s fastest-selling game of all-time. This might have come as a shock as a significant portion of the fanbase has had very negative feedback about the new game. However, it appears as though some negative press was not enough to stop Naughty Dogโ€™s juggernaut.

Sonyโ€™s previous fastest-selling game was Uncharted 4, another contribution of Naughty Dog. On top of that, the Last of Us 2 has surpassed its original game by a country mile. According to multiple sources, the Last of Us Part 2 is up 76% when compared to the original. Regardless of what fans opinions of the Last of Us part 2 are, it is hard to not appreciate what Naughty Dog has produced over the past 13 or so years.

It would appear that the main gripe most fans are having with the Last of Us 2 is with the questionable decisions the developers made surrounding the games narrative and choice of new characters. However, despite the shortcomings of the story, the gameplay and graphics have been almost universally praised. The Last of Us 2 is certainly the most gitty of the two in the series, something that is made abundantly clear in the gameโ€™s combat mechanics.

The PlayStation 4 can attribute much of its success this generation to the myriad of hard-hitting and compelling exclusives that it has to offer. With the Last of Us 2 being the slight hiccup that it is, (obviously not from a financial perspective) the future of Sony exclusives might not be as clear as it once was. Perhaps this would be a great time for Xbox to win some fans over.
