Cyberpunk 2077 Livestream Has Been Delayed Due to Political Turmoil in America

The Livestream Will Be Moved to June 25th 

CD Projekt Red has announced that they will be delaying their Cyberpunk 2077 livestream event originally planned to take place on June 11th in order for people to focus more on the political turmoil that is taking place in the USA. By now it can almost be guaranteed that everyone has heard about the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis at the hands of law enforcement and the subsequent protests and riots that have steamed from the outrage.

Cyberpunk 2077 Female Protagonist

The official Twitter account had this to say about the incident today. โ€œWe decided to move Night City Wire to Jun 25th. We still look forward to sharing new information about CPโ€™77, but more important discussions are happening right now and we want them to be heard. We wholeheartedly stand against racism, intolerance, and violence. Black Lives Matter.โ€

CD Projekt Red is not the only entity in the gaming industry to pause upcoming events in order to shine a light on events that are taking place around the nation. Infinity Ward has declared that they will be delaying Season 4 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Sony has also joined in and postponed their event for the PlayStation 5.

It is expected that many more companies both inside and outside of gaming are going to start showing their support for BLM and other similar movements as the days pass on. Today is #blackouttuesday, a showing of solidarity for the protesters. This is meant to flood social media with empty black screens in order to raise awareness as well as prioritize activists and others who are involved. Chances are you have already seen this for yourselves.

To be clear, this is in no way going to affect the release of the actual games or consoles, just the promotional events for them.
