PUBG Season 7 Launches Next Week and is Bringing Back Vikendi

Vikendi is Back and Better Than Ever 

On April 21st the seventh season of PUBG is going live. Season 7 is going to be one of the biggest to date according to developers. This means tons of new gear that can be unlocked via the season pass as well as difficult challenges to complete. However, the most glaring difference this time around is the much-awaited return of the map Vikendi. Vikendi has gotten a massive overhaul and will be coming back with a shiny new train system to boot.


Vikendi has been totally re-worked. This fan-favorite will now have its very own train system that will connect various parts of the map together. As you could imagine this is going to result in a lot of intense, weird, and downright hilarious moments throughout a match. The addition of a rail network is one that was rumored for some time, but now it is official. This will obviously allow players to move across the map much faster than before without taking a vehicle and risk being detected by another team.

The well known Mosin Nagant bolt action rifle is also going to be introduced into PUBG for the first time. This WWI and WWII workhorse might not have the good looks that the Kar98 has but it will still get the job done. It can still be outfitted with all the scopes and other useful attachments that you would expect. The Nagant has been added to give the game a little more diversity when it comes to long rifles.

Vikendi as a map has had a lot of snow removal too. Gone are the days of sticking out like a sore thumb when you are trying to cross open ground. The previous snow-covered fields that used to dominate the landscape have now been replaced with patches of dead grass to make it harder to be seen.
