Major Cyberpunk 2077 Announcement Coming This June

June Canโ€™t Come Soon Enough 

The hype for Cyberpunk 2077 is understandably huge. First teased in 2013, fans of the series have been frothing at the mouth for CD Projekt Redโ€™s next game after the Witcher franchise. Cyberpunk has everything that a game of the year title has. Great visuals, immersive universe, and from what we have seen so far in demos, outstanding gameplay. Cyberpunk was due to release early this year but was unfortunately pushed back until September. While a lot of details about this game are already available for public viewing, there is still one more major announcement to come.

Cyberpunk 2077 Female Protagonist

As E3 has been canceled due to the Coronavirus, this news is expected to either be delivered through large media companies like IGN or by CD Projekt Red themselves. The exact details are not very clear at this moment.

What this announcement is going to be is anyoneโ€™s guess. If for whatever reason the game has been delayed even further, chances are that we would already know about it. It would be comically cruel to set up a big announcement only for it to be about Cyberpunk being pushed back. CD Projekt Red has also stated only a few weeks ago that everything was running smoothly despite what problems the virus has caused the developers.

What fans want to see the most is more gameplay. There are already a handful of gameplay demos that can be found online however, there can never be enough footage of intense action and dystopian wackiness. It would still be nice to get a better understanding of the story and narrative behind the title.

Cyberpunk 2077 is set to drop for the Xbox One, PC. and PS4 on September 17th.
