New Call of Duty Playlist Update Will Include 1v1 on Rust

Where Men Will Come to Settle Their Differences 

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has seen an explosion of new content and add ons in recent months. In December there was the largest content drop in COD history and now there is even more good stuff on the way whether that be new maps or a battle royale mode. However, the most recent addition of the infamous map Rust from Modern Warfare 2 has really turned some heads. Rust has got to be one of the most loved maps in the Call of Duty franchise due to how much of a meme it has become. The classic โ€œ1v1 me on Rust bro,โ€ line has been ingrained in the minds of anyone who had the pleasure to play MW2. However, soon old school fans of the series will get to relive their childhood now that Infinity Ward will be adding a 1v1 playlist to Rust.

Modern Warfare Map

Players can now finally settle who is the sweatiest gamer of all. Whoโ€™s got the greasiest no scopes? Who has the best reaction time? All these burning questions will be answered when this update finally arrives. This is not the first time that Modern Warfare has had a 1v1 playlist either. This was first attempted in early January. While there is no set date for when fans can expect to see this new game mode. We know that it will be making its debut sometime next week. So fans will not have to wait very long.

MW2 has become one of the most loved games by much older Call of Durty fans. The addition of a 1v1 playlist on Rust is almost guaranteed to be a sure-fire hit with the community. Hopefully, it sticks around for a while.
