Things Are Getting NSFW
The Last of Us Part II is going to be a very mature game. From what we have seen so far from trailers and other promotions, the sequel is going to be incredibly violent and grim. Much more grizzly than the original. We have already witnessed people being tortured to death. There is no telling what else is going to be shown when the game actually launches. However, amidst all of this death and destruction, there is also going to be nudity and sexual content as well.
The Last of Us Part II is going to be the first game that Naughty Dog has made that is going to feature any sort of sex or nudity. While there might have been mentions of sexual acts in previous games or perhaps some sort of innuendo, it looks as though it is going to be a much more vivid experience in The Last of Us Part II.
Regardless of what you think of the idea of nudity in video games, the addition of explicit sexuality in a game is likely going to ruffle some feathers amongst certain factions within the media. The presence of “sex scenes” has been ridiculed before, so there is no reason why to won’t happen again.
Knowing Naughty Dog and the minds behind The Last of Us, the chances that the use of nudity or sexual content has been added for pure shock value is unlikely. The Last of Us is one of the most serious and mature games ever made. It would be a total let down if the developers chose to add these things for a cheap gag.
The Last of Us Part II is going to release on May 29th, for the PS4.