Kentucky Route Zero Soundtrack Now Streamable

Kentucky Route Zero Soundtrack Can Now Haunt You Anywhere

The Kentucky Route Zero soundtrack is now available for streaming through Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play Music and Bandcamp. The gameโ€™s soundtrack is composed by Ben Babbitt.

Kentucky Route Zero Soundtrack

The soundtrack contains 26 original songs from the game. The album has a runtime of 92 minutes. Listeners can stream the album for free on Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play Music, and Bandcamp. If you would like to support the composer, you can purchase the album through Banddcamp. Purchasing the album gives you access to high quality music files which are not available otherwise.

Babbitt has composed soundtracks for several projects, including the 2019 feature film Paris Window. Babbitt also has a couple of albums which are available to stream and purchase online.

Kentucky Route Zero launched late last month in its full form after having been in development for seven years. The game is a point-and-click adventure where players control Conway, a truck driver and delivery man. Gameplay is focused on text-driven dialogue rather than the traditional puzzle solving of other point-and-click games.

Source: Polygon