Rumors Make the World Go Round
The hype for the Witcher franchise has gone through the roof over the last couple of months. The Nintendo Switch finally had its version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt released in October. Not to mention that the buzz surrounding the new Netflix series has reached newfound heights. Netflix has recognized that the public is so hyped for the Witcher tv show that they have already greenlit a second season. Despite the first season not debuting until December 20th of this year. Since the world has seemed to go Geralt crazy it would only be fitting that new rumors have surfaced claiming that the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt could soon be available on the Xbox Game Pass.
The Xbox Game Pass is a subscription service that Microsoft offers to both Xbox One and PC players which allows them access to a multitude of games for a ridiculously low price. A Reddit user by the name of Thanks VG247 has leaked a trailer that showcases a ton of new promotions, one of those is the Witcher 3. The advertisement does look legitimate, however, this is the internet afterall so you should take everything with a massive grain of salt.
It would not be all that shocking if Microsoft did end up adding the third Witcher game to the Xbox Game Pass. The addition is timely thanks to the upcoming Netflix series and it is also an older game. It might not feel like it but the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was originally released all the way back in 2015.
The Witcher 3 revealed as coming to Xbox Game Pass via Twitch ad from xboxone
Regardless of this is true or not. the Xbox Game Pass is a great deal. Video games new and old are expensive on their own. So getting a cheap subscription service is always a good idea.
Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is out on PS4, PC, Xbox One, and the Nintendo Switch.