RDR2 PC Players Solve Missing Persons Case… Kinda

The Bigfoot of Red Dead

In the Red Dead Redemption extended lore, there was a princess who went missing in 1884. Missing persons posters can be found in Red Dead 2 that depict a young girl named Princess Isabeau Katharina Zinsmeister. NPCs can sometimes be heard talking about her. Despite the hints and references to her, she never shows up in the game. Now that the game has come to PC, RDR2 PC players have begun investigating and their findings might surprise you. Perhaps, she didn’t want to be found… or maybe her content was cut or something.


Princess Isabeau is described to have birthmarks on her cheek and right hand, and blonde hair. The game takes place in 1899, making her about age 20. Thanks to console commands, searching files, and the magic of game manipulation those things provide, players were able to find a player model called IKZ, the initials of the missing princess. Apply it and, lo and behold, a young blonde woman with birthmarks on her cheek and hand.

The video above shows the YouTuber MrBossFTW going through the identifiers of the princess and coming to a logical conclusion that this indeed is the missing person from fifteen years prior. The model in the game files suggests that there was content planned surrounding her, but probably got cut. Red Dead Redemption 2 is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Do you think the content was cut or is it going to be used later? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Kotaku