Wolfenstein: Youngblood Launch Trailer Has 80s Synth & Shooting Nazis

Wolfenstein: Youngblood Finally Arrives This Week on July 26th

The launch trailer for Wolfenstein: Youngblood was revealed on Wednesday ahead of the gameโ€™s Friday release and it features tons of Nazi-killing goodness. Go ahead and check it out below!

As the twin daughters of series protagonist, B.J. Blazkowicz, players will fight their way through Nazi-occupied 1980s Paris in order to find their father and, of course, kill loads of Nazis along the way.

If youโ€™re still wondering about whether or not to get this game then read our hands-on preview.

โ€œPlaying alongside a friend as you unlock doors, search rooms and take down hordes of varied Nazi enemies is pretty damn fun,โ€ the preview read. โ€œMuch more enjoyable than I anticipated. The levels are large enough so that you never feel like you are tripping over each other. The maps also allow you to move around quickly but also contain enough ammo and health, so that youโ€™re never really in too much trouble.โ€

Wolfenstein: Youngblood

Wolfenstein: Youngblood also has quite a few pre-order bonuses. Details about those bonuses can be read here.

What did you think of the trailer? Are you excited to pick up Youngblood this week or does this game not seem all that interesting? Has upcoming Wolfenstein game impressed you so far with its co-op gameplay or do you need to see more? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below the article.