Sony Was the One Who Reached Out to Microsoft on Streaming Deal

Rivals Can be Friends After All

Sony and Microsoft stunned the gaming world a couple of months ago when both companies announced that they would be partnering up on cloud gaming and streaming. This would be like if North Korea and South Korea finally united. Or if Coke and Pepsi did a commercial together. This move by both tech giants would have seemed unthinkable to almost everyone. For nearly two decades Microsoft and Sony have been battling it out.

Microsoft and Sony

Xbox VS Playstation.

The question of a generation.

Nothing has come of this agreement yet, however, things like these take a lot of time to work out. For all we know, the deal could end up falling through. But it was stated by Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella that Sony was the one who reached out to Microsoft first. In an interview with Fortune, Nadella recognized that this news would shock and awe the gaming industry. “It’s a beginning for us,” Nadella said. “First of all, it’s all driven by Sony. They looked at who are all their partners that they can trust. In fact, it turns out, even though we’ve competed, we’ve also partnered.”

Nadella then added that while Sony was the one who initiated talks between them, Microsoft was also very open to the idea of working with Sony. Sony has been quite vocal that they are currently working on a new streaming service that is powered by Microsoft Azure. What Sony is officially contributing to the partnership is unknown at this time. But it has been speculated that Sony has made significant breakthroughs that could greatly benefit Microsoft.

We will have to wait and see what both of these giants have in store for the rest of us. With the combined resources of both companies, anything is possible.
