More Cyberpunk 2077 Romance Options Than The Witcher 3

The Gender-Walls of Romance Are About to Come Crashing Down

CD Projekt REDโ€™s previous venture The Witcher 3 was a truly massive game in all aspects. While the style of Cyberpunk 2077 is completely different, fans are expecting the scope of the game to be as grand or more grand than The Witcher 3. This includes who the players can romance. As with any studio, CD Projekt RED no doubt wants to outdo themselves, so the Cyberpunk 2077 romance options are going to be far greater in number. With the character creation that allows for non-binary characters, Cyberpunk players will not be restricted to heterosexual relationships like in The Witcher 3.

Cyberpunk 2077 Romance Options

On Reddit, a Twitter DM converstation with a lead quest designer for Cyberpunk was screen captured. The few messages suggested that a much wider range of romantic interactions will be available than in The Witcher 3. โ€œGeralt was a defined character that was only interested in females (โ€ฆ) Here you can define what type of interactions your character prefers and have a relationship with that NPC / NPCsโ€. While that is a pretty broad answer, it is also a pretty definitive answer. Sounds like you can bang almost anyone.

It is unclear if the player can pursue any romance-able NPC or if they have certain preferences in terms of the playerโ€™s gender identity. While this information we have is promising, we will have to wait and see the depth of these options when Cyberpunk 2077 comes out next year.

Are you pleased with the scope of romantic options for Cyberpunk? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Reddit