Hob: Definitive Edition Is Coming to the Switch

Hob Is Finally Making Its Way to the Nintendo Switch This Month

Hob: Definitive Edition is launching on the Nintendo Switchโ€™s eShop on Thursday and will cost $19.99, according to an official Thursday announcement. Also, until April 17th, the game will be on sale on the eShop for $17.99.

Hob is an adventure game about exploring a mysterious planet by using a special, upgradeable mechanical arm. Players will have to solve various puzzles in order to not only uncover the planetโ€™s many secrets but also potentially save it in the process.

Hob: Definitive Edition

Though the game previously launched on the PC and PS4 in 2017, the Switch port still comes with some new features such as touch-screen usage, improved FPS, HD rumble, and additional camera options.

What do you think of this news? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Source: Press release