The Devil May Cry V Demo Is Now Available on PSN and Xbox

PlayStation 4 Users Get Their First Crack

Iโ€™ll keep this brief so players can get to play time. Capcom has just dropped their second demo for Devil May Cry V, the first being exclusive to Xbox One owners. This time around, itโ€™s on the Xbox Marketplace as well as PSN, giving everyone a chance to pull the trigger.

Not the Devil Trigger, unfortunately. In this demo for Devil May Cry V, players get to fill the slippery shoes of Nero. โ€œIn this demo, control Nero and use his Devil Breaker to fight the demon hordes, gain new skills and save Red Grave City!โ€ Guess theyโ€™re saving the fan-favorite mercenary for launch. The plus sideโ€”aside from getting an early shot at the game, of courseโ€”is that a demo save file will earn you โ€œa bonus of 30,000 Red Orbs when you play the full game.โ€

Now, here comes the witchery. Since PSN is essentially a maze of games and other content, you have to know where to look in order to find the Devil May Cry V demo. For one reason or another, โ€œDevil May Cry V Demoโ€ will not appear in a PSN search; therefore, players have to got to the PS Store shopping bag, go to โ€œGames,โ€ then scroll down to โ€œDemos.โ€ Then you search for Devil May Cry V and enter the tab. Then scroll down until you reach the demo. Piece of cake. As of yet, thereโ€™s no indication that it will expire before the full game arrives.

Devil May Cry V hits consoles and PC on March 8, 2019. Check out our most recent news for a possible hint at what the director plans next.