Steam Drops Hint About The Outer Worlds Release Date

By Telling Us The Release Date

It seems the Steam has dropped a hint about The Outer Worlds release date. They did so by actually listing the release date, though not in a super obvious spot or anything. For a hot second, the gameโ€™s Steam DB page had August 6th, 2019 listed for its release.

This information didnโ€™t stay up for long, but thatโ€™s not how the internet works, as you probably know. Said information is still in the changelog, if youโ€™re curious. We were all pretty sure this game was coming out in 2019, and now we know! I suppose the developers could change the date out of spite or something, but please donโ€™t. Unless itโ€™s to release the game sooner, which would also be totally fine by me.

Relentless data harvesting aside, all the new details about The Outer Worlds are pretty dang hopeful. Obsidian Entertainment have an excellent track record, and everything theyโ€™ve said about the game only reinforces our expectations. Itโ€™s always possible that this information will change, but its rapid disappearance suggests this might be legit. Whenever The Outer Worlds does come out, August 6th or not, itโ€™ll be out for PC, PS4 and the Xbox One.