Mortal Kombat 11 Already Getting Region-Exclusive Skins

Skarlet’s Kold War Skin Available in Russia Only

Mortal Kombat 11 is coming ever so soon, and we’re already getting word about region-exclusive items. Skarlet is getting a Kold War Skin, and it’s only available in Russia at the moment. This doesn’t bode well for the extra content front, does it not?

Mortal Kombat 11 Region-Exclusive Skin

Yes it’s probable that this is merely a timed exclusive, the sort of thing that we’ll eventually see coming out here in the West. While the outfit is pretty danged rad, the idea of different regions and game editions having access to different items is a pain in the ass.

Within the context of the Big Picture, this kind of thing will only matter to absolute completionists and dedicated collectors. Most players will be equally proficient or embarrassing while playing Skarlet, regardless of what outfit she’s got on. It’s a sweet outfit, though. The leather and the high collar feel very official military, with just enough unique touches to make it all very Skarlet. Hopefully we see this particular skin come our way once the publishers wrangle together an Ultra Super Duper Edition in six months. Until then, Skarlet and her badass Kold War outfit will remain just out of reach.