Get A Dot For $1 In Black Ops 4

So Many People Are Going To Buy This

Activision is known as a company not afraid of microtransactions. Theyโ€™re also seen as just slightly evil, depending on how you feel about said practice. As a prime example, Activision is offering players a single dot for sale for use in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.

Black Ops 4 dot

The dot, pictured above, is a reticle for use with the Reflex gun sight. Normally this will cost you one dollar, but itโ€™s currently on sale for 50 cents. A real steal of a deal, assuming you have no idea how money works and are also flush with it.

While Iโ€™m sure that dedicated players could give me a detailed breakdown of how useful this item truly is, they would still be defending the sale and purchase of a dot. There are almost certainly other scopes, sights and reticles available that arenโ€™t locked behind a paywall. If youโ€™re truly thirsting to spend money on something silly, Iโ€™ve been told that app stores have whole libraries of games available for the same price as this dot. Think about that, an entire game! Hours of fun and excitement and predatory design, all for the price of this itty bitty reticle. Think twice about this particular purchase, is what Iโ€™m saying.