Crossplay on PS4 Will Be Coming To Other Games in the Future
During a recent official PlayStation podcast, Sony boss Shawn Layden explained that the decision to enable crossplay for Fortnite on PS4 wasn’t an easy one to come to.
“We know this is a want, this is a desire, and we want to be able to deliver that in the best way possible,” Layden said during the podcast. “Now, enabling cross-play isn’t just about flipping a switch and ‘There you go’. It’s a very multi-dimensional kind of attribute or feature.”
Layden added that Sony had to look at this decision from both a “technical” & “business” point of view and also had to make sure that customer service for the crossplay feature was going to be effective.
“It’s rather ordinal – they have to go in a certain order to get them all set up,” he explained. Layden also said that the crossplay beta test for Fortnite is “so far, so good.”
However, what about other multiplayer titles on PS4 that could have crossplay? Bethesda executive Pete Hines already confirmed on Wednesday that Fallout 76 won’t have crossplay but, according to Layden, other games will likely have the feature.
“Right now we’re in a beta test program,” Layden said. “I think that certainly once we can prove that this is all holding together, sturdy, and well, I would anticipate seeing other games in the [crossplay] service over time.”
What do you think of Layden’s comments? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!