Play Disgaea 2 Free This Weekend on PC

More Than Enough Time To Get Hopelessly Addicted

Time sensitive news alert! Steam users have just about two full days to check out Disgaea 2 PC for free, right now. Free weekends are designed to be just a little predatory, but this feels especially insidious. Disgaea games are notorious time vampires, after all.

Disgaea 2 PC

I might be somewhat biased, having spent many hours with basically every Disgaea game, but they sunk their venomous claws in me for a reason. In fact, two days might be just enough time to realize just how enormous this game actually is. After that, youโ€™re likely to catch yourself making extensive notes, planning all your strategies and dreaming up your perfect team.

Thankfully, if you do decide to become a regular Disgaea user after this, the game is 50% off during the free weekend. Depending on how deep you end up diving into this game, thatโ€™s like 8.99 USD for over a hundred hours of strategy RPG. The Disgaea series, if youโ€™re unfamiliar, is a strategy RPG black hole from which free will and time cannot hope to escape. Just watching the stupid trailer is enough to get me thinking about picking up the game again. Speaking of which, you can check out said trailer below!