Porn Is Popping Up in Super Mario Odyssey

Avert Your Eyes, Children

Due to a recent Nintendo Switch hack, some users are now able to upload custom avatars to their profiles. As a result, there’s a slight chance of seeing pornographic content when you fire up Super Mario Odyssey. The problem is limited to the Luigi’s Balloon World segment of the game, but still.

Super Mario Odyssey Luigi's Balloon World Update

This all started when someone leaked a copy of DevMenu online. The aforementioned Switch developer software was acquired after someone bought a Switch dev kit off eBay. The seller originally assumed they had a defective model of the system. Of course some good Samaritan kindly offered to take said ‘defective’ hardware off their hands.

At present, the only thing they’ve figured out how to do with this dev kit is upload custom avatars to Balloon World. Unfortunately this is likely only the beginning. I mean, it seems like the possibilities are pretty sky high when you’ve got software like DevMenu in your hot little hands. Until Nintendo comes up with a patch, anyone looking to avoid any unpleasant surprises may want to give Luigi’s Balloon World a wide berth. Presumably, between this article (and the source) and the official complaints being lodged, Nintendo will be quick to drum up a fix.