Shaq Fu Physical Edition Getting Free DLC

Will Be Whatever โ€˜Bonus Fuโ€™ Could Possibly Entail

Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn, gamingโ€™s most improbable sequel, is also getting a physical release when it drops this June. In order to entice players into picking up a retail copy of the game, Saber Interactive is including some โ€˜Bonus Fuโ€™ DLC.

Sadly, Iโ€™ve no idea what โ€˜Bonus Fuโ€™ could possibly be, although it is described as enough to โ€œraise a few eyebrows on launch day.โ€ This leaves me hopeful that Shaq will fight a secret final boss after the credits roll. Perhaps a giant, mechanized version of Putin or Trump or Rupert Murdoch or Michael Jordan. Or all of those things at once, like a hydra with four to seven unrelated heads.

A Legend Reborn is coming to the Nintendo Switch, PS4 and Xbox One on June 5th, 2018. If you have fond memories of the original Shaq Fu, this will likely be a heartwarming reunion. If not, this is still an opportunity to see Shaq beat the stuffing out of a whole mess of cartoonish Hollywood monstrosities. Iโ€™ve taken the liberty of embedding the release date trailer below, for a quick recap on what sort of kung-fu madness awaits us all on June 5th.

SOURCE: Press Release