Dreams Makes Appearance at GDC Train Jam

Dreams Still Pretty Mysterious, Despite New Video Evidence

Dreams is still pretty much a mystery to me. The game is set to come out this year and we know aaaaaalmost nothing about it. Thankfully, a tiny video has surfaced which sheds a single beam of light on this upcoming Media Molecule release.

Dream train jam 2018

So, Dreams is a game wherein you can do anything, right? Apparently this includes making games, as the team used tools within Dreams to make a game for this year’s Train Jam. Essentially you get the length of a train trip from Chicago to San Francisco to make a game, in this case around 52 hours. Using this time, the team produced something they called ‘Comic Sands,’ a platformer that takes place in the desert and also the pages of a comic book.

While the game is adorable, it’s important to note that there are some pretty badass tools on display here. Right? Embedded below, said video shows off a simple game with both 2D and 3D visuals seemingly only connected by theme. Plus there’s music, sound effects, tons of animation and persistent transitions. The previous few sentences more or less comprise my complete game design knowledge, but this is still crazy impressive, right? On top of that, they cranked this out in less than three days. Sure, they’ve got an unfair advantage, having designed the tools. But this still represents a massive world of possibilities when the game eventually comes out later this year.