Shine Up Those Six-Shooters, Wild Guns Reloaded Is Coming to the Switch

Rootinโ€™ Tootinโ€™ Good Times Ahead

Wild Guns Reloaded, the arcade-style shooter where you can play as a tiny dog that somehow operates a firearm, is coming to the Nintendo Switch later this year. What better platform for the brightly-colored gunfighter sim than Nintendoโ€™s superhot indie/arcade box?

Originally released for the SNES way back in 1994, the Switch version of Wild Guns has a few new features for more effective gun-slinginโ€™. If youโ€™re terrible at arcade games like this one, thereโ€™s a beginner mode that gives you unlimited lives. Alternately, if youโ€™re a hardcore six-shootinโ€™ machine, you can take on the Boss Rush: Time Attack mode. Bosses are the coolest parts of these games, after all.

Thereโ€™s a story at work here, but you donโ€™t need to know much more than where to aim your enormous firearms. Thereโ€™s no release date for this one yet, but I have to assume itโ€™ll be soon, unless they try and implement some overly complex Switch controls. Wild Guns Reloaded is also out for the PC and the PS4. Hereโ€™s hoping we can get down to shootinโ€™ on the go sooner than later. Did I mention you can go on this steampunk western shooting spree while playing as a very small dog?

SOURCE: Press Release