Darkest Dungeon Gets A Physical Release With Ancestral Edition

Enter The Mouth of Madness On PS4 This March

Some games deserve a place on your shelf. Darkest Dungeon is most assuredly on of those games, if only so you can have something tangible to point to when people ask why youโ€™ve gotten so gaunt-looking as of late. The Ancestral Edition is coming to the PS4 with a physical release this March. Onward to horrible adventure!

Darkest Dungeon Ancestral Edition

To be fair, the adventure itself is expertly crafted, youโ€™ll simple encounter a great many horrible things while going on said adventure. This edition of the game also comes with both expansions, The Crimson Court and The Shieldbreaker. Thatโ€™s so much emotionally-draining gaming fun on a single disc!

If youโ€™re new to the Darkest Dungeon experience, you set out with a party of adventurers to go utterly insane, slowly succumbing to various diseases of the mind and body. Also thereโ€™s quests to complete and treasure to be discovered. The Ancestral Edition will be out for PS4 in March of 2018. Thereโ€™s no concrete release date yet, but keep your eyes peeled for one. As a physical release, supplies will naturally be a bit limited. You wouldnโ€™t want a chance to miss out on thisโ€ฆ charming experience, would you?

SOURCE: Press Release