Call of Duty WWII: ESRB Suggests War Will Indeed be Hell

 Murder, Mutilation and Moral Depravity in Store This November

It turns out that war is hell, you guys. The recently-released Call of Duty: WWII ESRB suggests that Activisionโ€™s upcoming historical simulation is gonna get pretty brutal. Players will be treated to all the horrible highlights of the second World War when the game comes out next month. From the text of the rating itself:

call of duty wwii beta Call of Duty: WWII ESRB

This is a first-person shooter in which players assume the role of an American soldier through the Allied campaign in Europe during WWII. Players use machine guns, shotguns, rocket launchers, and explosives to kill enemy soldiers; some weapon attacks result in decapitation and/or dismemberment, leaving bloodstains and body parts on the ground. Battles are frenetic and accompanied by realistic gunfire, screams of pain, and large explosions. Cutscenes also depict instances of violence: a prisoner shot in the head at close-range; enemy soldiers shooting themselves to avoid capture.

Okay, so that doesnโ€™t sound like a picnic in the park, but isnโ€™t all of that pretty standard fare for Call of Duty games? Are they not all extended treatises on the virtues of patriotic murder? Admittedly, I havenโ€™t played a Call of Duty game in several years. I mean, if this sounds like some extreme stuff compared to previous entries, let me know. If this is the case, perhaps Activision is simply trying to be as unfiltered as possible about the sheer brutality of this period in our collective history. If so, good for them. Call of Duty: WWII is coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One on November 3rd, 2017.