Xbox One Deals: Watch Dogs 2, Mass Effect Andromeda and Titan Fall 2 At Sweet Low Prices

Xbox One Deals: Sweet Deals on Watch Dogs 2, Mass Effect Andromeda and Titan Fall 2 

Happy Saturday gamers! Whats a better way to start off the day than with a great list of Xbox One deals. This week we have Watch Dogs 2 at 50% off, Mass Effect Andromeda also at 50% off and Titan Fall 2 at 33% off. Looking for something different? Check out the rest of the list below.

Titanfall 2 New Titanfall 2 Mech

Xbox One Deals โ€“ Games:

Xbox One Deals โ€“ Hardware:

Thatโ€™s the end of our list for the Xbox One deals. Donโ€™t forget to check out our PS4 and Windows PC deals coming up tomorrow!