Call of Duty WW2 Box Art Reveals Xbox One X Enhancements

Additional HDR Support Listed

As we make our way to November, many gamers are probably contemplating whether or not to purchase the Xbox One X. For some, itโ€™s a matter of whether or not they already have a 4K tv and whether or not their game of choice will be compatible. Well, if you were hoping to play Call of Duty WW2 in 4K, youโ€™re in luck.

Xbox One X console

Microsoft recently revealed Xbox One version of Call of Duty WW2, and it carries all the information we need. As is visible on the cover, the game gets 4K visuals and HDR. Which is to suggest that Call of Duty WW2 on the Xbox One X may be the best-looking version.

Furthermore, the Xbox One box art reveals the bonuses you get for pre-ordering. Apparently, itโ€™s at least one extra weapon and double XP. For now, itโ€™s unclear whether the same bonuses apply to the PC and PS4 versions. Seems likely, however.

Call of Duty WW2

This version of the game was revealed via a UK listing that inadvertently preceded the Microsoftโ€™s announcement. Or, it was deliberate; I donโ€™t know. Whatever the caseโ€“no pun intended, it looks like we have reached that stage where games will start publishing their 4K compatibility on every cover. Will this entice you into picking it up?

Call of Duty WW2 arrives on November 3rd for Xbox One, PC, and PlayStation 4. Stay tuned for more news and updates as they come our way.