Cliff Bleszinski Talks LawBreakers Post-Launch

Bleszinski Has โ€œBeen Humbled by the Low Player Figuresโ€ Post-Launch

LawBreakers has had something of a difficult life-cycle so far. The post-launch player statistics, while never incredible on the PC, have fallen to a distressing low point as of late. Recently, Bleszinski addressed this problem during an interview with Gamespot.

LawBreakers Alpha

According to Bleszinski, Steam games are more heavily scrutinized by players. People are more ready to โ€œdeclare something a success or a bombโ€ after poring over the available stats. Conversely, this kind of thing isnโ€™t as much of an issue on PS4. Over on that end, LawBreakers is โ€œdoing fine,โ€ according to Cliff. There have been other problems contributing to the gameโ€™s low player count, such as Australian server issues and Bleszinskiโ€™s own problems dealing with people online. He doesnโ€™t appear discouraged, though. For him, this is โ€œa marathonโ€ as opposed to a sprint. Bleszinski and his team will continue to make improvements in order to slowly improve both the product and its player base.

Looking ahead, Bleszinski is hoping to better communicate how exciting it is to play LawBreakers. This, in addition to some other marketing changes, should help players get a better feel for the game and its high points compared to other online shooters. Certain features werenโ€™t shipped with the game at launch, such as team deathmatch, which Bleszinski and his team were quick to remedy. Itโ€™s this readiness to admit oneโ€™s errors, along with a flexibility when it comes to solutions, which will allow the team at Boss Key to keep LawBreakers afloat going forward.