Kasuga Ichiban Will Debut in Yakuza Online
It appears Kiryu’s time as Yakuza series’ de facto leading man draws to a close as Sega revealed Kasuga Ichiban as the new main character for games past Yakuza 6. There may not be a lot to go onto from the reveal trailer, but let’s dig in.
The trailer below from DualShockers begins with yet another hoodlum calling out Kiryu before charging towards him. However, as Kiryu braces to pulverize this hopeless fool, a new dance partner cuts in and punches out the hoodlum. Dressed a shiny pink red suit, this new fighter reveals himself to Kiryu as Kasuga Ichiban. First off, his name is interesting as “Kasuga” is a common female name in Japan while “Ichiban” translates into number uno which implies some inherent cockiness too. Plus, his off-balance stance after punching looks a lot more wild as he seems to lack the sort of formal fighting training of Kiryu. Also, his look is far more flamboyant with a gold chain, swagger suit, and of course, that awesome afro. So far, Ichiban looks to have more personality than the typically stoic Kiryu. Of course, I’m in the camp that enjoyed that stoic-ness as it made all the absurd side stories scenes even funnier.
One can only wonder if Ichiban’s nemesis will be like Majima to Kiryu, in that he/she will be the personality opposite.
Ichiban will make his debut in the upcoming Yakuza Online (PC, Android, iOS in 2018) and later on in Shin Yakuza which takes place after the events of Yakuza 6: The Song of Life.
Source: DualShockers